Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The sacrificing MAN5

The prophet said when he was sitting between her sahibs in El-madina and took him a little faint{And the peace upon him.}And said "This is Gabriel telling me the salute and the peace from khobieb ". Then they brought 4o sons of father who were killed at Badr fight and they gave every boy lance and they aspersion with their lances ,he troubled on the stage and he was left on it. He released himself and his face in the direction of elkaaba{ the place where Muslim take a direction to it when they prayed and go to it when they go on a pilgrimage. It is the mosque of The God ". He said " thanks to God." Man of them aspersion him till it get out of his back. He stayed a time
Saying "there is not deity except god" and saying " I acknowledge that Mohamed is the prophet of the God ." then he died.

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