Thursday, December 4, 2008

success is a gift[to face the unhappy action]

yes it may be a gift. the man must take care of it it hay hake him in high place that every one wanted to imittate him .he may be for people as star. how canman without any chance to be success?
1.learn and train for new science and new course that hay lead him to new opportinuty and new chance if any must have weapon to be a good soldier.the weapon for man is science only sgience in his branch.when he has this science he must be confident
2.confident is abig step the man with no conident is abig looser. the man must know his ability his position. the soldiermust enter this battle with big confident .if hasn't he will die. man must imagine that he is as a soldier if he didn't he will die
3.he must be not anger from any thing that he may cause him any annoy to him. he must be satisfy from surrounding
4.smiling open every closed heart