Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The trade4b

To be a famous trade you must have some character that make your trade famous and gained a lot of others .1st you must be honest that make the other believe in your trade and they are familiar to deal with you , 2nd you must try to gain a less in winnings, that lowest its price ,the 3rd is trade must deal with the people with easy way that make them love to deal with and finally the trade may be deal with the commodities that deal directly with the people gain like the food or clothes.
If the man or the trade is honest , he will be famous wilt that property that attract the people to deal with him .the honest is to explain the commodity how it is what its defects and the price is. This may low in his gain but he gains a lot of people . that considers a great win. There a trade who buys clothes, he bought a cloth to one . the buyer got this clothes and went , when the seller discovered how its defect is, and how it is ,he runs after him and show him its defect .The buyer insist too get this clothes and thanked the seller

good luck for ever

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