She was a woman called The El –ymama blue .she was lived with her phyla in a desert. The weather of a desert is very hard to human body. As it is in the day is very hot and at night is very cold. The water was not almost found. The liver there depends on the rain who rarely falls .When the sky rains they become happy .they can store the water and cultivate the food they need for a time. their sheep and caws can find what they eat. So the most of wars at this time for the water who had it and for the food. The south of the Arab island there was this woman. When she was a girl she saw from very distance. Her friends can not disappear from her as she can see them. When her phyla knows that becomes very happy . they build to her high tower where she stayed . the enemy of this phyla can not make a war at this people as this woman discovered them easily, so they lost their war or they run away. The phyla {all people }at the desert asked why this phyla can not be beaten . they do not believe what was happened till her phyla told their friends about her. When you know the secret you can solve its problem